Judges Choice Awards 2024

6 | Acquisition International, Judges Choice Awards 2024 Apr24741 Sustained Excellence in Ethical Agroforestry Investments Treesition ounded in 2021, Treesition has developed a way in which individuals can simultaneously make money and help to improve our planet. After witnessing the damage being done to the environment, Daniel devised a sustainable model that would have the largest environmentally friendly impact whilst holding the largest appeal to investors. “Our work integrates innovative agricultural practices to produce high-quality wood while enhancing biodiversity and improving soil health. We aim to provide a sustainable source of wood and offer financial products that allow investors to contribute to environmental sustainability,” Daniel explains. The company offers two investment models to its clients – the SereniTree and the LiberTree. Clients that choose the SereniTree model will spend €50 to purchase a Paulownia tree and can recover up to €65 over a ten-year cycle, giving them a 30% return. Clients wanting to invest a larger sum can opt for the LiberTree model, in which they invest €130 to receive a return value of up to 200% over the same ten-year period. The difference of return rate is explained by the fact that with LiberTree, the investment is exposed to tree growth fluctuation and wood market which add risks to the solution. Investments take place over maximum ten years to represent the complete growth cycle of a tree, from the initial planting stage to the final cut. The company will plant the tree in the client’s chosen region, between France, Belgium, or Spain, and will look after the tree until it hits maturity. The trees are planted onto plots owned by famers, who see both financial benefits from the scheme but also the environmental benefits of introducing more trees to their farmland. The Paulownia tree is a versatile species that brings numerous financial and ecological advantages to Treesition’s investment model. The species has a large capacity for CO² absorption and oxygen production and promotes biodiversity by sheltering many insects within its leaves. Paulownia trees are adaptable and can withstand various European climate conditions, making it the perfect species for Treesition. Not only that, but the Paulownia is made of light and resistant semiprecious wood that is often used in construction, cabinetmaking, and in manufacturing musical instruments. This range of applications means that investors have a better chance of a higher return on investment, especially considering the tree’s high rate of growth. Treesition’s heavy focus on the Paulownia tree is exactly what makes the company so unique. Combined with a distinctive business model that allows investors to engage directly with their investments, Treesition offers its clients the opportunity to witness the impact of their contributions to the environment. The company takes this a step further, seeking to educate the public about ecologically responsible investing. Through active engagement, such as workshops, webinars, and site visits, Treesition educates clients on sustainable timer production. “Treesition serves a diverse clientele ranging from individual ecoconscious investors to institutional stakeholders interested in sustainable projects. Our approach is consultative and educational; we focus on demonstrating the environmental and financial benefits of agroforestry,” Daniel says. Of course, the company’s commitment to the environment is a direct reflection of the hardworking team at Treesition, and their enthusiasm for the mission. Treesition encourages a culture of continuous learning and improvement, ensuring that team members are both professional and passionate about what they do. With extensive research and training, the company is continually improving and growing. “Our staff are the backbone of Treesition. They play a critical role, not only in our day-to-day operations, but also in driving our vision of integrating sustainable practices with profitable returns. From the field workers managing agroforestry operations to our financial analysists devising eco-investment products, each member contributes uniquely to our ecosystem,” Daniel tells us proudly. Most recently, the company has celebrated the launch of its Green Canopy initiative, which involves the extensive planting of hybrid Paulownia trees across new sites in Europe. This will boost wood production whilst increasing biodiversity and soil quality in the new sites. Looking ahead, Daniel tells us that Treesition plans to expand the Green Canopy initiative to North America, allowing the company to explore more territories for future expansion. What’s more, the company plans to extend its model to cover avocado trees, with returns based on the fruit production. We look forward to seeing what is next for Treesition, as the company continues to provide exemplary green investment opportunities that benefit our pocket and our planet. Contact: Daniel Dos Santos Company: Treesition Web Address: https://treesition.com/ Located in Sautin, Treesition is a unique business that provides green investment opportunities through promoting agroforestry. Specialising in Paulownia trees, Treesition focuses on the cultivation and management of environmentally impactful agroforestry. Company Founder and CEO Daniel Dos Santos tells us more. F