Judges Choice Awards 2024

Judges Choice Awards 2024, Acquisition International | 7 The company has had endless success in its mission to support medication management. Clients report that the introduction of RpDoc Solutions’ software has greatly benefited their practice. For example hospitals have been primarily using paperwork for the medical process, leaving room for error. Now, hospitals can implement RpDoc Solutions’ software, so the medication process can become streamlined. Data is now available in one place, which all authorised members of staff can access, making the entire process much safer and more efficient. Its efficacy has certainly been recognised, as RpDoc Solutions was awarded the first prize for Patient Safety by the German Patient Safety Action Alliance, as well as achieving first place for the MSD Health Award. RpDoc Solutions is revolutionising the world of medication management, easing the process for professionals and patients alike. For displaying such clear innovation, the company rightfully features in our Judges Choice Awards 2024. We commend the company for its continuous efforts to support and manage responsible drug therapies and look forward to another year of prosperity for RpDoc Solutions. Contact: Simone Grandt Company: RpDoc Solutions GmbH Email address: s.grandt@rpdoc.de Web Address: www.rpdoc.de Sustained Excellence in Drug Therapy Solutions Founded in 2003, RpDoc Solutions has been dedicated to developing and distributing software solutions for the optimisation of dug therapy safety and processes for outpatient, inpatient, and cross-sector usage. The company provides a wide range of support to healthcare professionals, including medication safety software, support for providing responsible drug therapy, and medication management tools. “RpDoc Solutions develops and implements solutions for supporting the quality, safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of drug therapy in all sectors of care. Evidence based clinical decision support focused on clinical relevance is a key feature, as well as using the routine data of health insurance companies to support healthcare professionals and patients,” Simone says. RpDoc Solutions offers its services to all professionals within the care sector, though Simone notes that the company’s main client base consists of physicians, pharmacists, hospitals, and health insurance companies. RpDoc Solutions has established a solid reputation across the industry as a reputable business that produces top-notch solutions. Simone tells us, “Our products are based on extensive expertise of the drug treatment process, a unique set of algorithms, and a proprietary database for clinical decision support.” The Hospital Future Act, or Krankenhauszukunftsgesetz, was introduced in 2020 with the aim of accelerating the digitalisation of the German health care system. This investment programme was designed to promote digital processes in hospitals and provide them with essential, modern equipment. While the initiative is imperative to the correct functioning of the care industry, it can also be a daunting and complex change. The software produced by RpDoc Solutions is compliant with the criteria of the digitalisation projects one, four, five, and nine of the Hospital Future Act. Not only do RpDoc Solutions provide healthcare professionals with IT-supported process optimisation, but it also provides continuous consultation following the solution. The experts at RpDoc Solutions are on hand to offer training, support, and regular inventories to ensure that the solution continues to benefit both the business and its clients. It has been noted across the industry that the incorrect combination of drugs is a well-documented cause of preventable harm to patients. What’s worse, only one in two prescription errors are detected without the use of electronic support. To combat this, RpDoc Solutions has introduced the SafetyScan, a system designed to prevent up to 80% of prescription errors. SafetyScan has been approved as a Class 1 medical device and works by displaying the relevant medical knowledge related to the drug therapy, dosages, and patient information such as age, gender, kidney function, and medical history. SafetyScan does not provide therapy suggestions, rather provide all the needed information in a digestible manner that allows for the healthcare professional to make an informed decision. “RpDoc Software is the only software for which a significant reduction of mortality of patients with polypharmacy has been proven in a prospective randomised trial,” Simone tells us. Based in Saarbrucken, RpDoc Solutions is an industry leader, specialising in the development and distribution of solutions that support responsible drug therapy across all care sectors. As the company is named in the Judges Choice Awards 2024, CEO Simone Grandt tells us more.